Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bright Flowers in Fused Glass

I just finished this Bright Flowers in fused glass piece .  It Measures 24" X 24".

Kendra Schneider Fused Glass

It's my favorite so far. I say that about every one of my pieces. Each one is my favorite at the time I'm working on it. I'm passionate about my glass work.

Kendra Schneider Fused GLass

I feel like there is so much inside that I want to express and somehow glass seems to capture it better then any media I've used so far. 

Kendra Schneider Fused Glass

It's the light. I love how dynamic the pieces are, how they change in the light. It fascinates me. Pulling a piece from the kiln, I feel like a child at Christmas, I never know exactly what will come out. I want people to feel happy when they see them. Does Bright FLowers in Fused Glass make you happy?  That's what I believe the purpose of art is, to get us to feel, feel beauty, feel a sense of wonder, or humor, or any number of feelings and emotions. I currently am choosing to focus on the positive emotions, but I respect an artist's need to express from the whole range including sadness and pain. 

Kendra Schneider Fused Glass

I'm not into limitation and boundaries, so I'll create pieces that push them. Sometimes it doesn't work, but I always learn and I take that to the next work I do. I cut all the sheet glass freehand. 

Kendra Schneider Fused GLass

I move quickly and confidently as I score the sheet and the movement of those cuts are captured in the movement of the piece. I'm not consumed with carefulness as I work, rather I'm consumed with capturing the images and feelings I have in the glass, while they are strong inside me.  As I hold those images in my mind, I transfer them to the movement in my hands. It's a flow and the end result is always a wonderful surprise. 

Kendra Schneider Fused Glass

You can find out more about me and my art at my website:
- Kendra Schneider

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